Tuesday 10 October 2017

HEROes in October 2017 OCG

Save the Cheerleader, Save the World
It was a terrible show though

============ Main Deck : 40 ============
PSY-Frame Driver x1
Elemental HERO Honesty Neos x2
Elemental HERO Stratos x2
Goblindbergh x1
Elemental HERO Blazeman x1
Elemental HERO Shadow Mist x1
Ghost Ash & Beautiful Spring x3
Ghost Ogre & Snow Rabbit x1
Ghost Reaper & Winter Cherries x3
PSY-Framegear Gamma x3
Maxx "C" x2
E - Emergency Call x3
A Hero Lives x3
Reinforcement of the Army x1
Pot of Desires x3
Monster Reborn x1
Mask Change x3
Mask Change II x1
Back to the Front x2
Solemn Strike x2
============ Extra Deck : 15 ============
Masked HERO Anki x2
Masked HERO Divine Wind x1
Masked HERO Dark Law x2
Masked HERO Blast x1
PSY-Framelord Omega x1
Number S39: Utopia the Lightning x1
Number S39: Utopia Prime x1
Number 39: Utopia x1
Castel, the Skyblaster Musketeer x1
Tornado Dragon x1
Number 41: Bagooska the Terribly Tired Tapir x1
Code Talker x1
SPYRAL Double Helix x1
============ Side Deck : 15 ============
Ghost Ogre & Snow Rabbit x2
Harpie's Feather Duster x1
Dark Hole x2
Mystical Space Typhoon x2
My Body as a Shield x1
Prohibition x3
Rivalry of Warlords x3
Solemn Judgment x1

HEROes have sure come a long way. From their rise in stopping the rise of Atlantean Mermails almost 2.5years ago, to the Tellarknight Ptolemaeus days where you seek to the Extra Deck mainly consisted of Rank 5 rather than Rank 4 Monsters.
Gone were the Number 16: Shock Master + Masked HERO Dark Law days.

Demise HEROes were trending for a while, but all Card of Demise builds never last long in a format where Harpie's Feather Duster and Evilswarm Exciton Knight exist.

From a 'No-hand-traps' playing style to prevent Elemental HERO Bubbleman from being a dead-card in hand, to a 'Goodbye bubbleman hello Honesty NEOs' era, this build packs a scary deal of 12 Hand Traps in the Main deck.

The deck focuses on farming, deck thinning and countering the opponent with the use of Hand Traps while Honesty NEOs helps to get over threats. Back to the Front allows for the reuse of some handy monster effects, and is exceptionally critical since Elemental HERO Shadow Mist is still Limited. Rushing out Masked HERO Dark Law early is probably the strongest selling point of a HERO deck.

Triple Pot of Desires shows desperation to increase Hand Advantage even at the risk of banishing Limited copies of cards. That said, one can opt to play carefully and activate it only when the needed cards are out of the deck.

Prohibition in the Side Deck to cater to a ton of threats, providing answers for a ton of matchups. It is probably one of the few effective answers to SPYRAL Double Helix. That said, even if it is not that useful, Ghost Reaper and Winter Cherries is there to counter SPYRALs as well and Prohibition can be used to keep other decks in check as well.

Out of all the viable decks in the metagame now, HERO is probably the one that attracts me the most. I look forward to picking the deck up if I ever have time to play competitively again.

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