Friday 9 June 2017

Duel Links: Paradox Event Experience

My First Game Event

I missed the first few events, which was terrible because that meant I missed out on Union Attack and a Relinquished deck. I initially built a Beast deck, featuring the Baboons of the forest, however, that deck slowly lost its effectiveness as I rose above the Stage Levels. Brick hands, lack of available lifepoints to pay etc

I ended up plowing through the event with my ThunderDrag-Dino Double Fusion deck, using Characters Mai and Odion. Reason being I already raised Yami Yugi to Level 35 and those two were next in line.

Mai's variant was more focused on Level50 Paradox Brothers, and had some burn cards to get me around the huge boss monsters. Odion's had Stop Defense to deal with Ladybrith Wall.

Neither had significant Skills worth mentioning as they were pretty low-leveled and I didn't went Skill-Farming.

Despite the lacking ability to stack up to Duel Assessment of high 4 figures, I managed to complete the event with brute force, making my way to 1,000,000 points by just winning in multiples of Duel Assessment 2000-3000.

This was how my deck looked like if anyone is interested. (I relied only on in-game currency, wishing for a f2p experience.)


Ending Thoughts:
  • I liked the rhymes. Scriptwriters must have put in some effort for those lines lol.
  • Felt Level30 Paradox Bros was tougher than Level40, simply because Labyrinth Tank kinda takes stalling out of the equation, considering how agressive it is.
  • No comments on who I want to have for the next Event Special. Just hoping that Grandpa Muto will eventually have a spot in the game.
  • I didn't manage to get a playset of the cards that would have been dropped:
    •  I got 3 copies of the R cards, except for and King of the Swamp, Labyrinth Tank, which I only have 2.
    • ZERO Dimension Gate lol
    • I got 2 of the other Gate though - Damage Gate.
    • 1 Extra Gate, 1DNA Checkup
    • 3 of Ladyrinth Wall which isn't needed since I can get another copy via Level Up.
      • I tried guys, I tried.

BurningHerpes and GeoTheBacon joined Duel Links as well. MyPochi is too mad because he didn't link his previous account and didn't want to restart lol.

I will probably blog more about my gameplay in the near future. Have my eyes set on a Kaibaman deck, but not even the gold farmed from the event can support my spendings at the Card Trader.

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